
Dry hair got you down?

It’s amazing to me how many times people ask me how to fix their “dry hair”.

Well, to start off, there are many factors that can lead up to that evil dryness and annoying frizzy fly-aways.

The number one leading factor is poor hair care.  Ladies, it’s a fact.  Coming to the salon twice a year isn’t going to help your hair stay healthy.  For haircuts, we recommend coming back 6-10 weeks for your next visit.  Regular salon visits will help maintain your mane and keep it looking healthy and beautiful.

Excessively washing your hair with poor shampoo is a major factor in dryness.  Get a professional shampoo designed for your hair type.  Mode Salon is proud to carry L’OREAL PROFESSIONELL , which has 9 different shampoos and conditioners fit for your hair. This includes highlighted, colored, dry, frizzy or flat hair.

Heat with a blow dryer and flat iron without protectors also doesn’t help this issue. That’s why here at Modé Salon we encourage product, product, product!  Before blow drying, use a leave-in conditioner such as BED HEAD EGO BOOST to protect your hair from the heat, and to help smooth frizzy locks. And before using any type of hot flat iron or curling iron, try ROCKAHOLIC ROCK OUT SHINE BLASTER to protect your hair from the intense heat of any iron. This will also help smooth fly-aways and give it an illuminating shine.

So stop by Modé Salon and check out our awesome product lines, and talk with a stylist to see which shampoos, conditioners, and products best fit your hair type.  We would love to help you, and of course see you as well!

Xanthe Kopp

Modé Stylist


Spa is not an option!

Mode Salon started out in 2003 primarily as a Hair Salon focused on delivering Premium Hair Care Services for all hair types. We still have a strong hair following and the “word on the street” is if you want to get your hair done the right way, go to Mode.  A few years ago we started offering extensive Spa Services such as Massage, Skin Care and Nails. This has opened up many new avenues and we now regularly have out of town visitors come to us just for Spa.

The common misconception is that Spa Services are really luxury services. We think of them as Wellness Services, particularly in these uncertain times. We all tend to neglect some aspect of ourselves which if done long enough can amount to real issues later on. Massages are therapeutic. Facials are rejuvenating and Pedicures promote good foot health.

So next time you are thinking, “I can’t afford or don’t have time for the Spa”, instead think ” I really CAN”T afford to do without taking care of myself”.

Health is not a luxury. Make a date to take care of yourself today.